Another consideration is the Unhappiness hit one takes when annexing captured cities - Moscow and Istanbul are both Capitols and I have the -11 from Athens fresh in my memory. Thebes however is a captured city and there is also a new Luxury resource there: Cotton = +4 Happiness bonus. The downside is its geographical location....
A third consideration is that I don't necessarily want to be the aggressor - I do have to think of my Approval rating because it affects how much Gold I receive for my exports and I need ready cash for my warchest and unit upgrades.
630 AD: The situation - Russia has 4 combat units, I have 8 plus 3 in reserve. I want to test Catherine's leadership and I have the beginnings of a plan...
Warchest time...
645 AD: Interesting in the pic below is that it tells me Askia of the Songhai is still at war with Ramesses and the Chinese - nice to see him occuppied! In Rome my Monastery has been built and I have decided to build a new Settler. I also have enough cash to upgrade a Horseman to a Knight - 280 Gold pieces!!!
655 AD: My southern front - Sabha has started building a Colosseum - got to keep my subjects happy. I've just noticed that all six of my Ballistas are south of Odessa. The two in Africa can stay put but the others need to be on roads so that they can respond swiftly...
65 AD: Finally, Engineering as arrived - next Tech is Education primally because it leads to Astronomy which allows one to build Caravels - New World here I come...
670 AD: Time to send one of my Trireme south to look for new friends/targets. Hopefully I can renew my export deals with Wu Zetian and Gandhi....
675 AD: You may have noticed that I have been quiet concerning England - there wasn't much to say! I've entered an Open Borders agreement with Elizabeth so I can take a look at what forces she has...Well look at that - I have another Ballista in southern Spain.
680 AD: The Empire and my statistics - impressive as always. Note that Egypt is the worst in almost everything.... Also I am Friendly with 4 nations, including the Ottomans - maybe I don't have to worry about them after all.
My look at England tells me that I have nothing to worry about. Their Navy is no better than mine - strange for a nation that should be following a maritime strategy.The real news is that my Settler has arrived and is heading eastwards - I wonder why - more in my next post. Ave, Caesar!