Friday 20 April 2012

Rome at Peace....2290 BC to 1690 BC

2290 BC: Some of you may be asking where the huge Roman Empire is, the one that conquered the known world. Well Rome didn't start expanding until the mid 8th century BC and we have the 23rd... I believe they had a series of fights with the towns on the hills surrounding Rome then eventually bumped in to the Greeks in southern Italy and the Carthaginians in Sicily.

Looking at the map below there is room for expansion in the West and East - strange that Greece only has one city....I have decided that my next city will be in Spain and that Calendar will be my next Tech to research.....

In 2110 BC I finally complete the Colossus :-) Also I see that Germany, Thailand and then France declare war on Persia - have fun guys...

There are 4 Wine hexes in Spain and Italy so I use one for me, (4 Happiness points), and export the other three to get Gold for my war chest. I now build a Barracks in Rome - they produce better troops :-)

2060 BC: Calendar is researched and Iron Working is next - that is good because with Iron I can produce Legions and Ballistas. Darius is now making Peace with his advesaries.

1860 BC: A flurry of new wars which I am staying out of - this time Gandhi and Ramesses are the lucky ones....In Rome a Settler is almost complete while my other 2 cities are building Warriors. They are weak units but with Iron and Cash they can be upgraded to Legions....

1790 BC: Suleiman of the Ottomans is my first Wine importer....

....and in 1730 BC Iron Working is completed - Trapping is next for Furs = Happiness points....

1690 BC: My 4th city Lisbon has been built and here are my statistics - not bad at all!!! I'm still very unpopular - can't win them all....

I appear to be number one on the victory points table....that's nice - most are friendly towards me too.

The Roman Empire in 1690 BC....600 years since the beginning of this post. Rome is developing fine. Ave, Caesar!!!

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