Sunday 13 May 2012

Empire Building - 1250 BC to 850 BC

1250 BC: The Germans have been defeated but war in Europe continues - France is at war with England and Greece and in 1230 BC Catherine of Russia declares war on Suleiman of the Ottomans.

I've renamed Warsaw to Krakow - more accurate, and wanted to start giving my units personalized names, i.e. 1st Legion, 2nd Archer, etc. but I can't seem to get the rename function working....:-/
Research: After Sailing I need Optics which enables my units to walk over water, to Africa. I also need Writing so that I can build Libraries. Writing leads to Philosophy = Temples, then Construction which enables the Colosseum = Happiness points.

I also need to build roads to connect my cities to Rome - luckily my Legions are not only great combat units but are also excellent road-builders. Cities connected to Rome bring in more revenue but each Road costs 1 Gold per Turn per Hex.

Then I need population growth and that is impossible with Unhappiness. Curing that takes time - and patience. I can build some more combat troops in the meantime and fill-up my warchest thru exports.

1200 BC: My first Ballista is ready and I start building the Pyramids - yes in Rome! If I finish it first I receive 2 Workers and a 25% construction bonus.
 1170 BC: I build a new city, Odessa on the Black Sea - that peeves Greece, Russia and Turkey but expansion is expansion, right?!?

 1090 BC: Optics has beeen completed so on to resarching Construction...
 1000 BC: Yeah, and I can adopt a new policy, Meritocracy, so at the beginning of the new millenium the Roman Empire is again a HAPPY Empire :-)
 930 BC: Construction is completed, next is Writing followed by Philosophy in 870 BC.
Things are beginning to look organized - only Odessa still needs to be connected to the Road network - in fact, Odessa Province is an island of Romeliness surrounded by wilderness and barbarians. I have +3 Happiness and almost 1000 Gold in the Treasury.

Until the next post - I can promise more action - my Legions will be marching and the earth trembles.

Avé, Caesar :D

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