Saturday 12 May 2012

Taming the Teutons (I) - 1360 BC - 1290 BC

1360 BC: The Area of Operations:

As you can see, most German forces are on the French border and Hamburg appears do be defended by Workers - no doubt they are Reserves.
Both Archers bombard first then the Legion South of Hamburg captures the Worker and attacks the city. The 2nd Legion W. of Hamburg moves East capturing another Worker - the 3rd Archer moves forward while my Spearman moves West to delay/block the German army N. of Mainz - probably a sacrifice.

1350 BC: My Spearman was indeed destroyed but they lost one of theirs. My two Archers again bombard Hamburg followed by assaults by two Legions - first the weakened unit then the fresh Legion SW of Hamburg - et voilá, Hamburg is ours!

1340 BC: My armies in the East regroup and rebuild while N of Mainz a fresh Legion has arrived. Hamburg has been renamed Warsaw.

1330 BC: My forces N of Mainz counterattack with Archer support and destroys a French Warrior - then something unexplainable has happened - Bismarck declares war on Napoleon!!! Am I missing something?

1320 BC: All is quiet on the eastern front with more defence tactics N of Mainz...

1310 BC: My 3rd Legion moves W of Warsaw destroying a German Warrior that got in the way. France has just denounced me and Bismarck is not interested in a cease-fire - I have what I wanted, their city! The Iron Mine S of Warsaw is finished so I can start converting Warriors to Legions - my 4th Legion is created N of Mainz.

1300 BC: Mathematics is researched and decide to start Sailing - we're going to a Navy, folks... A 5th Legion is converted and you may notice that my forces are moving East and North, surrounding Berlin.

 1290 BC: Bismarck sues for peace - I demand all his Gold but he turns down the terms.

So the war goes on - more in the next post - Ave, Caesar :)

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