Monday 14 May 2012

Waterloo Revisited (I) - 850 BC to 800 BC

850 BC: There has been some good news from Africa - My Scout has survived and is heading North to link up with an Archer I sent from Italy. It bumped into Barbarian camp complete with Settler. It was captured and is now a Worker.

830 BC: I decided that it is time to take care of Napoleon. I embark the Legion N. of Bilbao and send thru the English Channel to ouflank his defences.
 In 800 BC I announce the attack...
I invade from all sides - shock & awe!!!
 After a barrage from Bilbao my Legion crushes the French Warrior...
 A second Legion passes through the line to arrive S. of Paris...
 The amphibious assault W. of Paris..
 My Ballista moves forward and sets up...
 The pesky French Scout is overrun - and from the East a Legion and a Warrior move forward
 A French Warrior NE of Paris is bombarded...
 ...then decimated by another Legion.
 After the smoke has cleared, Napoleon only has one Archer, (a Worker), plus the Paris garrison left.
A satisfactory opening move!

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