Sunday 13 May 2012

Taming the Teutons (II) - 1280 BC to 1250 BC

1280 BC: I move my forces adjacent to Berlin, taking hits, but I have two more in reserve...
1270 BC: The good-old tactic of barrage then assault - Berlin's defences are weakening...

1260 BC: Again a barrage then two Legions assaulting...a weak Legion is moved away from the front-line and a fresh one moved forward. The next round should terminate Teutonia for good :)

 1250 BC: My Archer bombards and the fresh Legion assaults - Berlin falls and the Teutons are vanquished - adieu, Bismarck :D

 My statistics..they look much better than before the war

 ....and finally the Roman Empire in its full glory...
There are of course negative aspects - I now have -3 Unhappiness and that means minimal growth - a real bind because my Population is #10 ranked. There are no more untapped Luxury resources in the area so I have to wait for buildings to be completed. Courthouses negate the Unhappiness caused by occupying another player`s cities. I also have a Settler ready but building a new city would create even more Unhappiness.
The Greeks may be tempted to start something - they never have been friendly - but their forces are no match for my Legions.

The good news is that three Ballistas are being built in Rome, Bilbao and Mainz and I have a full pot of Gold. It is now consolidation time and I shall reorganize things. Until next time - Ave, Caesar!

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