Wednesday 21 November 2012

Deliberations and Developments - 750 AD to 850 AD

750 AD: With the conflict against the Ottomans over Asia Minor needs to be incorporated into the Empire - but that is easier said than done!

The Russian city of St. Petersburg has expanded SW blocking a road link through the Caucasus and Catherine is not interested in an Open Borders agreement. Also the Persian "Colony" in Egypt prevents a road link to my N. African cities. I could either build a Harbour in Byzantium, (I've renamed Istanbul), or capture St. Petersburg but before I even think of attacking Russia I need to upgrade my Army. Catapults -> Trebuchets and Longswordsmen -> Musketmen. At the moment the Russians are only showing regular Swordsmen.
Thebes in Egypt is also an interesting target and that would complete my Mare Nostrum strategy but who knows what forces are hidden beneath the clouds over Persia - Darius also refuses an Open Border agreement.
The Ottoman Empire was sparsely developed so it is neccessary to move Workers there to upgrade the  Resource hexes. My Happiness level has also suffered so I need to liven up things ;-)

760 AD: I've completed researching the Education Tech - next is Physics which enables the Trebuchet build and leads to the Gunpowder -> Musketmen :-)
I also got some cash from Askia of the Songhai....
A whole bunch of events are beginning to change the situation in the Near East/S. Asia....
  785 AD: Arabia declares war on India.
  785 AD: Persia declares war on India.
  790 AD: England declares war on India - typical!!!
  790 AD: Russia declares war on India.
  795 AD: Persia declares war on China....
....and I declared war on nobody!
805 AD: Development of Asia Minor in full swing - 2 Workers N and S of Rostov and 4 Workers near Byzantium and Armenia.
825 AD: India and China have sgned a peace treaty - I guess India has other problems at the moment.
835 AD: Things are achanging folks - there are now only three Russian units on our common border and there are Persian units units leaving Egypt and heading home. Arabian units are also on the move eastwards. It looks like the Indian conflict is sucking in the reserves of the attackers - and I smell opportunity :-D
850 AD: My statistics 100 years after the end of the conflict with Suleiman....
....not much change really.
In the last screenshot I have just noticed that Genghis Khan is missing - I wonder who defeated the Mongols :-/

Also I have completed researching Physics and Gunpowder is my next Technology.

Events are getting interesting, folks - I'm sure my Legions will be marching soon but where and against who? More in my next bulletin - Ave!!!

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