Tuesday 20 November 2012

Going West - 745 AD to 850 AD

745 AD: Meanwhile I have also been exploring my options in the Atlantic. I previously reported sighting a Barbarian Camp on Iceland and dispatched a Longswordsman to deal with it. Well, it has arrived and is about to kick ass...

750 AD: My victorious troops then eliminate the Barbarian Archer - Iceland is ours.
785 AD: A Settler is now ready and sent on its way to Iceland.....
....and 800 AD we had to squeeze past the English blockade but Elizabeth is not in the mood for war. Bottom right a Worker has been activated for services abroad.
810 AD: My Settler reaches the shores of Iceland....
....and 820 AD Reykjavik is founded and of course a Monument will be built first.
850 AD: The Worker arrives on Iceland and has an Iron mine to build.
Needless to say, the English aren't too happy with this development but I am also peeved because they have claimed a coastal hex at Normandy!!! I was too busy in the East and didn't notice the move.

With Iceland I now have a forward outpost when I set sail across the Ocean to discover new lands.

Ave, Caesar!!!

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