Tuesday 20 November 2012

So long, Suleiman - 735 AD to 750 AD

735 AD: The situation after the fall of Istanbul. I only lost one Pikeman during the first phase of my Ottoman campaign...
Warchest time and seeing what Catherine is up to. If Russia does intend attacking let's grab all the Rubles first. Not very good prices but still better than shooting at me :-)
740 AD: Advance and barrage time :-)
Edirne barrages one of my Ballistas again...
745 AD: The assault on Edirne begins to take shape with Ballistas....
...then ground forces.
The city survived this round but unless Ottoman reinforcements arrive the end is near.
The Ottoman General is still alive and can witness the end of the Suleiman regime...
750 AD: We destroy an enemy Warrior in N. Africa - the unit gains experience points - then returns to the main front.
Edirne is subjected to intense Ballista fire...
....then a Longswordsman puts Suleiman out of his misery.
So long, Suleiman!
Rome's Legions have prevailed and more barbarian territory has been absorbed into the Empire.
My statistics are looking good - not too worried about my approval rating, after all this is not a popularity conquest. Our mission is to civilize the World, right?

Ave, Caesar!!!

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