Monday 26 March 2012

The Empire expands.....finally

2935 BC: Let's take a look at my statistics - I know they don't look too great but I am the only Human player! - At King level the computer players "cheat". They start with 2 combat units instead of 1 and require less time to build things. - I do have the largest Mfg. capacity though :-)

As you can see below I have a Roman citizen on the Horses hex because I consider production more important than money. A Settler is next in the production queue. I have also accumulated 93 Culture Pts so in 2 turns I can adopt the Collective Rule policy which will give me a free Settler.

I have decided to build my next city at Bilbao to put an end to the French threat there once and for all - it will also enable me to use my Mining Tech to upgrade the Silver hex to a mine which gives me 4 extra Happiness points and so assure continued growth. Below a view of the known world....

I'm moving a couple of Workers to Bilbao in order to chop down Forests and speed up production. 2905 BC and I receive my free Settler.

2845 BC: Bilbao is founded and I choose to produce a Monument followed by Warrior. Napoleon complains but I tell him where to get off. In the following turns I become friends with Gandhi and Ramesses so together with Bismarck we are quite a team. In 2680 BC I finish researching Bronze Working and choose Archery for my next Tech - I need more firepower. I have also met Askia of the Songhai and Darius I of Persia.

2605 BC: My 2nd Settler arrives and I start it marching to the Rhine - in Rome I now start building the Colossus. Mainz is founded in 2545 BC and I again choose to build Monument then Warrior - when Archery is completed I shall change the Warrior to an Archer build.

Bismarck complains and I promise not to settle anymore in his area - and it's true!!! I intend capturing his city of Hamburg, not building a new one :-) Anyway, I have achieved my immediate goal and with 3 cities I dominate my part of the world. The Silver mine will soon be complete and as soon as I have completed Archery I shall research Masonry next, (improves Marble to a Quarry = 4 more Happiness points).

2530 BC: A Barbarian has arrived SW of Bilbao - I have to interrupt building my Mine and bring my Worker to safety. It takes a couple of turns to destroy this bad boy and invaluable mining time has been lost. There must an be encampment somewhere so let's go investigate - sure enough...

2470 BC: The encampment is destroyed and I receive 75 Gold - little comfort because I now have -1 Unhappiness which drastically slows growth...a couple of turns later, 2450 BC, I can adopt a new Policy and choose Republic which increase my production capability.

A couple of turns later my Silver mine is completed and my Happiness level is +3 - I am now researching Masonry and the Colossus will soon be complete - things are lookin good :-)

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