Sunday 25 March 2012

The Franco-Roman Conflict 3415-3400 BC

3475 BC:
The French tempt me by sending a Worker alone to improve the Horses hex to a Pasture - decide to commit my entire armed forces - all 2 of them - to capture this valuable unit.

3415 BC: I have moved my Warrior from the Rhine to Gallia and open the conflict by barraging the French Warrior then advancing to capture the Worker.

I now get greedy and decide to attack the French Warrior - didn't go too well... :-(

3400 BC: The city of Paris bombards me but I survive and luckily the French Warrior doesn't counter-attack. Fortuna is again on my side and I get a Unit promotion - I select Heal Instantly which allows me to barrage and assault the Frenchie again, defeating it.

I take another barrage hit from Paris but everybody survives and we move out of range of the city. The fighting is over and Napoleon eventually sues for Peace. I have gained a Worker from the French and they have also lost also a Warrior. A setback in the early game.

Be warned Napoleon - a Brit as Caesar!!! Ave!

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