Sunday 25 March 2012

The Uneasy Peace - The Easy War - France Round 2

3385 BC: The smoke has cleared and I take up sentry positions and start to rebuild my strength - the French Worker is moved to the Horses hex N of Rome and I purchase land so that it can start building a Pasture - that will enable Chariot Archers after I have researched The Wheel.

In 3280 BC I adopt Liberty policy and meet Ramesses of Egypt - he's a long way from home - next turning for a while until something happens....

3190 BC: Napoleon again!!! He's escorting a Settler southwards now and I can`t attack him because there has to be 10 turns of peace before one can attack the previous combatant again...but I am occupying the hex he wants with my Archer :-)

3145 BC: No more restrictions! His forces are not under Paris's protective umbrella this time...the 2nd Franco-Roman war....

Hey, Alexander - who jerked your chain?

3130 BC: Napoleon moves his forces forward??? - presumably to try and found a city next turn - well I don't give him that chance - another barrage and the Warrior dies and I move in to capture the Settler which becomes another Worker.

 I round off the turn by starting a Granary build in Rome and choose Bronze Working as my next Technology.

Napoleon eventually sues for peace again and I also meet Ghandi and a Siamese guy with an impressive name...

It is now 2995 BC and all is quiet on the western front. In the heat of the battle I forgot to mention that Bismarck has founded Germany's 2nd city SE of Berlin, as hoped, and since France is pretty much out of the game at the moment I might rethink where to build my 2nd city - Mainz or Bilbao?

No sign of Alexander and his Hoplites - hopefully he is looking easwards..Ave, Caesar :-)

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