Saturday 24 March 2012

Strategy Session:

I want to expand but unfortunately there are other civs in my vicinity with the same idea - France, Germany and Greece - plus Russia, Egypt and the Ottomans beyond...

I have made friends with Germany so I am hoping that they will consider Russia more of a threat than I am and therefore build their 2nd city SE of Berlin not in the Rhine area where I want to expand first.

France can also choose a Rhineland strategy or go south, i.e. Spain - that's where I want my 3rd city. Then there is Greece - it can expand northwards, along the Rhine, or to the East where the Ottomans and Russians are.

I shall be choosing Liberty then Collective Rule for the extra Culture/city and the free Settler to create a city where today Mainz is. That will of course upset Napoleon, Bismarck and Alexander but I shall apologize to the Germans and give a one finger greeting to the other two. Having decided that I need to defend both areas until my Settler arrives - with military force, if necessary!

I need a land expansion because I have to research Iron Working in order to make my powerful Legions and Ballistas available. A maritime strategy would require research along a different path. After Pottery my next Tech will be Bronze Working for the Spearman and the Colossus.

The ideal place for a 3rd city is Bilbao, Spain which allows two more cities to be built in Iberia later in the campaign.

I also need to consider Luxury items to maintain Happiness - Gold is available near Bilbao and I already have the Mining tech - Wine and Marble need a new Tech to be researched. Decisions, decisions....

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