Wednesday 21 March 2012

Greeks and other Barbarians....

3970 BC

Well, from my vantage point I have great view over the lands beyond the Rhine - Germans, French and a Barbarian Camp complete with a Brute unit. I shall have to bypass that to the North then continue East.

I bump into Alexander of Greece - he is only neutral, not friendly - we might have trouble with him later. I then find another Ancient Ruins hex in Poland which gives me an extra population point in Rome. I use the extra population on the Marble hex - that doubles my production speed but also stagnates growth - I need the Scout ASAP! Travelling back on a more northerly route I encounter an Amsterdam Settler which I attack converting it into a Worker unit and 15 Gold. I escort the Worker past the Barbarians and send it to the Wheat hex. Finally in 3790 BC my Scout arrives :-)

It moves East to the Ancient Ruins and receives advanced weaponry - is now an Archer unit...

I now have enough firepower to take on the Barbarian Camp. I start the attack in 3730 BC and after 2 salvos from my Archer followed by an assault by my Warrior it is defeated and I collect 75 Gold.

Meanwhile I purchased the Wheat hex so that my Dutch Worker can change it to a Farm. My Warrior explores the Balkans while my Archer travels around the Iberian Peninsula and S.France. I also meet Catherine of Russia and Suleiman of the Ottomans. The situation in 3565 BC...I have finished researching Mining and choose Pottery for my next Tech, (for Granary and leads to Calendar - Plantation).

In 3475 BC the Monument is complete put another Scout followed by a Warrior on the production queue.

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