Wednesday 20 June 2012

African Colonies, please... 590 BC to 300 BC

590 BC: My new Settler will soon arrive and I have to hope that nobody else decides to beat me there. I also need more Happiness before I create a new city and fortunately Paris will receive its Courthouse timely.

540 BC: Great news - Catherine of Russia declares war on Alexander of Greece. I also cannot see a Greek Settler.
Despite having the largest army, my forces are spread all over the place and I have no real reserve. Additionally, converting Warriors to Legions has depleted my Gold reserves so I also need more cash.

510 BC: A Barbarian Camp has been discovered - that's nice because it keeps my troops busy and brings in some badly need Gold.
490 BC: The Greeks denounce me so I return the complement - Genghis Khan now wants the horses for free, which I of course deny, but he is willing to buy some Iron from me. My Happiness is now at +5 and my Settler is en route to N. Africa.
 480 BC: Damn, Barbarians are in the Sirte which forces me to create my next city further west than originally intended - I must hope that Ramesses of Egypt doesn't interfere with my plans.
To compound matters Greece and Russia have made peace!!!

460 BC: Currency has completed research and I now enter the medieval age. I can now build Markets which enable my cities to generate more Gold. Horse Riding is my next research project - I need some Cavalry. Also, more badly needed business - Genghis Khan appears to like my Wine :-)
Russian and China denounce me - no big deal - and in 400 BC Horse Riding is completed. I need to concentrate on my Culture level so I opt to research Theology.
 390 BC: Russia declares war on the Ottomans - good - all's quiet on the Eastern Front....
360 BC: I can adopt a new Policy and choose Representation which completes the the Liberty block, starts a Golden Age and gives me a Great Person - I choose a Great Engineer.
340 BC: I use the Great Engineer to accelerate the construction of a World Wonder, in this case the Great Wall. Also it is time to fill-up my warchest.
 The Empire in 300 BC.
 My vital statistics...
Not bad at all - Ave, folks!!!

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