Saturday 23 June 2012

A new Millenium and new challenges? - 0 AD to 510 AD

0 AD: A new millenium but business as usual. Greece and China have denounced me again so I returned the compliments and nobody shared my sentiments. For some unknown reason I am the least popular Leader - I guess that life at the top is lonely....

40 AD: I do a deal with Catherine of Russia and that makes me think that I should decide to follow the Mare Nostrum strategy.
Alexander is a constant pain in the butt and if I can maintain good relations with Catherine then Greece's days are numbered!!! Time to fill up my warchest and develop my economy...

150 AD: Civil Service research has finished which enables me to build the Pikeman, (replacing Spearman), and increases the productivity of Farms with acces to fresh water - good for growth :-)
My next research project is Compass, which enables Harbour allowing me to connect my overseas cities to Rome, and leads to Astronomy -> Caravel = Ocean-going ships...
There is also a whole bunch of distant wars which involve the Persians, the Songhai, Arabia, the English and the Ottomans. I am glad to see they are busy elsewhere. Note the Settler being built in Mainz - it is destined for Africa as there is a Gold Resource in the Sahara.

170 AD: A new Policy can be adopted and I choose Piety - expansion through Culture and Religion, not just the sword, is always good...
220 AD: Compass research has completed and I choose Steel next. Time to upgrade my Legions to Longswordsmen.
320 AD: My new Settler is on its way to Africa to build a city where the Legion is at the bottom of the map below.
My warchest is looking pretty good but a deal with Askia is welcome - he doesn't yet know that I intend building a city on his front doorstep, hehe.....
360 AD: Sabha has been built and Askia didn't complain at all!?! In fact, Darius of Persia is making menacing moves along the Nile trying to provoke me - but to no avail - my eyes are set on Athens :-)
The new city has put my Empire in negative Happiness but this won't prevail for long because 3 Colosseums are being built and the Gold hex where my Horseman is will soon be developed.

380 AD: Darius has made peace with India - will he now show more interest in Africa?
 460 AD: There certainly are more troops along the Nile but I have also brought a few colleagues to Africa. It is not too much of a problem because my forces in Africa can eventually threaten Greece's southern Empire is also happy again :-)
490 AD: Steel is researched and I select Chivalry next - my Horsemen can be upgraded to Knights - maybe there will be some crusading in the future.... 
 510 AD: My statistics are looking good - I am still the least popular but I now have above average Population.
My Empire also looks great - the Persians appear to have gotten bored in Egypt and have gone to bother somebody else.

Time to make a few last minute arrangements before my Legions are on the road again...


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