Sunday 24 June 2012

The Gods at War: Mars vs Ares (III) - 555 AD

555 AD: The first thing I must do is neutralize the Greek Navy while at the same time tighten the grip on Athens. The enemy Trireme near Mersa Brega is barraged twice but still hangs on....
...and is still a threat to my embarked Legion. So let's try by removing the Legion itself as a threat. The Ballista on the N. African coast bombards the Phalanx SW of Athens, destroying it and my Legion storms the beach...
The Ballista on Crete aims at the other Greek Trireme and literally blows it out of the water!!!
 Next, another Legion carries out a successful amphibious assault against the Archer W. of Athens.
Now some very good news - my previously thought lost Trireme had in fact sailed into the Bosphorus and I had lost sight of it. It returns to bombard the damaged Phalanx in W. Turkey.
 Now my two Legions next to Athens assault the city suffering acceptable losses - there is a noticeable dent in Athen's defences.
 Now some of my reserves N. of Athens reorganize - a 2nd Ballista can now barrage Athens next turn - turn up the heat, guys :-)
Finally, a Great General was created which I use to start a Golden Age...oh, I almost forgot my N. Sea Trireme which has just arrived in the western Med.

A fairly even turn - I lost a Trireme and a Longswordsman, Alexander lost a Trireme, Phalanx and an Archer - but I have reserves and he doesn't - Ave, Caesar!!!

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