Sunday 24 June 2012

The Gods at War: Mars vs Ares (II) - 550 AD

550 AD: The war goes on! The Greeks attacked my fleet almost sinking one Trireme but they were left there in order to draw the enemy fire away from my ground forces. The badly damaged Trireme counterattacks while my Horse Archer sinks the embarked Phalanx that had attacked my Legion SW of Odessa. The 2nd Trireme sinks the embarked Warrior E. of Athens.
 A Legion eliminates a Greek Archer bringing it adjacent to Athens.
Athens is bombarded, as well as the Phalanx SW of it....
My Legion NE of Athens is promoted, brought up to full strength then successfully assaults the neighbouring Archer. Two of my Legions can assault Athens next turn...
 Other forces are moved forward and then I signal next turn.
Nasty!!! The Greeks must have finished building a Trireme in Athens and it sneaked out of port to sink my newly upgraded Longswordsman - that had just cost me 280 Gold!!!
Also, both of my Triremes have perished. There is some good news - Askia and Ramesses are at war with eachother so I don't need to worry about my southern flank.

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