Monday 25 June 2012

Caesar on the Olymp - 565 AD to 625 AD

565 AD: The Aftermath - The operation was a huge success - I only lost 3 units and my Mediterranean strategy is now secure. Neither the Ottomans nor the Persians are a threat anymore.
 There is one down side though....I took a -11 Unhappiness hit - from +5 down to -6! But I have a plan ;-)
My statistics are looking fine - my Approval rating took a hit but I can live with that - after all, this is not a popularity contest....
The usual denouncements - as you can imagine, I am trembling with fear - they are not even worth the bother to counter-denounce...
The situation after pressing NEXT TURN - nobody appears to be making any aggressive moves. Note that the Roman Wall in the Balkans as expanded greatly!!!
570 AD: I've decided to send an expedition to the Middle East in order to reconnoitre the region...the Persians have more forces in Egypt than I could see earlier. I wonder what other surprises are in store. I'm moving my badly battered, but heroic Legion from Turkey and replacing it with a Longswordsman.
575 AD: Palestine is empty - there is room for a city but nobody appears to have built one - or maybe one was razed to the ground. A new Trireme as arrived in Rome - maybe we should explore the Black Sea and also see what is south of Africa...
580 AD: The Ottomans don't seem to have many heavy armed forces - probably due to a lack of Iron ore - a necessary resource for Swordsmen and Catapults - (that's what other mortals call their Legions and Ballistas).
And I wish you a great day, too!!! I may have to take out my continguency plans for 'Lebensraum Ost' again
590 AD: Meanwhile my Legions and a captured Worker are busy connecting Athens to my road network.
 605 AD: So Askia declares war on China - he must be taking some strange medicine! I'm glad to see that the Songhai are leaving me alone.
610 AD: Road and Trade network to Athens has been completed - time to start transferring troops gen Russia. Nothing aggressive but just enough to show that I am not easy prey...
615 AD: Chivalry has arrived - great stuff - my Longswords, Ballistas and Knights are a formidable force!!!
My next Tech? I choose Engineering in order to increase the mobility of my forces - river lines no longer slow down movement with bridges built.
625 AD: I can choose another policy - Organized Religion. Why? Because every Monument, Temple and Monastery I have built adds on +1 Happiness - I told you that I had a plan....
My Happiness Level jumps from -5 to +9!!! Back in business :-)
A half-century and more has passed since the fall of Athens - their Empire has been assimilated and the Gods are happy. Ave, Caesar!!! :-)

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