Wednesday 20 June 2012

Closing out my 4th Millenium - 300 BC to 0 AD

300 BC: Well, this century starts off great - I am denounced by Babylonia, Egypt, India, Persia and the Ottomans - and I have absolutely no idea why....I'm not even going to bother uploading any pics - they are not worth the effort!!!

One thing I must consider however is my future strategy - Mare Nostrum, Lebensraum Ost or go looking for the New World.

Mare Nostrum: Three Nations are blocking that - Greece, Ottomans and Egypt. I don't want to antagonize Greece at the moment because Italy has very little forces. However, another African city S. of Greece and capturing the Egyptian capital, Thebes, is an interesting option.

Lebensraum Ost: There is room for three new cities between the Russian Empire and mine - capturing Moscow would be a heavy loss for them. The most attractive option.

New World: My Empire already blocks nations East of mine from reaching the Atlantic, unless I give them Open Borders. The English are a potential threat, as well as native American nations. This is the least attractive option.

I shall pursue the first two and see what the other nations do.

240 BC: My second new Settler has arrived and is on ìts way to N. Africa.
Note that a third Settler is being prepared in Rome. I build my 2nd African city at Mersa Brega in 190 BC and commence building a Monument.

That peeves Ramesses but that has to happen sooner or later anyway...
I now commence researching Metal Casting which leads to Steel.
160 BC: Thailand and India make peace - nice for them - but what annoys me is that not only does Darius of Persia declare war on India and the Songhai, the Persians also capture Thebes!!! What has happened??? And where is Arabia???
This of course changes things - how powerful is Persia? My 3rd Settler is already on its way to NW Africa and I see no reason to change that.

130 BC and Tanger is built....
 ...and time to export some more Wine.
I am now building a mixture of Markets, Circuses and soldiers. I have very few forces in Africa but the nations there are busy fighting each other.

10 BC: Metal Casting has arrived so I commence Civil Service.
 0 AD: First my statistics - Egypt is still there somewhere and Persia doesn't appear to be strong at all...
 My sprawling Empire just about fits in one picture...
My eastern Front has plenty of troops so I'm not concerned about Russia. It is Greece that worries me although my Great Wall should slow them down long enough to allow me to transfer troops.

One  of my Generals, Pontius Pilatus has just returned from the East with news of a new leader called Jesus but since his troops don't occupy Palestine, (yet), no need to worry. How many Legions does the guy have?

Ave, until next time!

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