Saturday 23 June 2012

The Gods at War: Mars vs Ares (I) - 510 AD to 545 AD

510 AD: Last minute preparations. I ordered my Trireme from the North Sea to the Mediterranean - it will take 6 turns to get there but it might make a difference. I've also ordered a Ballista and a Horse Archer from the Russian front to the Greek's eastern flank. In addition, since Darius is quiet in Egypt I have embarked a Legion from Libya enroute to S. Turkey.

530 AD: My Legion approaches S. Turkey and I have upgraded a couple of my Legions to Longswordsmen. A Legion arrives at Bilbao next turn and a Ballista at Rome the turn after.
No harm in doing some business while I'm in the closing moments before war - with Gandhi :-)
 535 AD: This was my intended last turn of peace but the Greek Worker(!) between Crete and Libya is blocking my forces!!!
540 AD: A Ballista embarks for Crete and the suspense is heavy in the air....
 545 AD: WAR!!! The Ballista lands on Crete thus violating Greek sovereignity...
 So, Alexander - let's see who the Gods are supporting...
My Triremes go in to action destroying a Warrior then a Phalanx
 Now my Ballistas soften-up the NW Greek defences
Then my two Longswordsmen carry home the attack....
Now the East Front's forces enter the foray...first against the Greek Warrior....
Then the Phalanx in Turkey is attacked...stalemate.
 Another Phalanx is about to meet its maker...
 The situation after all my moves have been made - other forces have moved forward.

Now it is the other players' turn. Ave, Caesar!!!

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